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Power List menu
Multi-level menu that transforms a nested UL into a series of slide-in panels that occupy no more space than the top level UL itself.
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Matching multiple CSS media queries using window.matchMedia()
This tutorial looks at how to use JavaScript`s window.matchMedia() method to respond to more than one CSS media query match.
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CSS Mobile side menu
The classic side bar menu that slides in from the edge of the window when a toggler is clicked on, powered entirely using CSS and compatible in all major platforms.
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Overview of CSS3 multiple column layout
This tutorial gives an overview of CSS3's multi-column module, which lets you divy up content automatically into multiple columns.
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A pure CSS Before and After image effect
This tutorial shows how to use CSS to create a "before" and "after" image effect, whereby moving the mouse over the image container peels back one image to reveal another.
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CSS Circle Buttons
These large, circular buttons employ CSS3 shadows to create a 3D, depressible look. Four different button colors are presented to give you a jump start in inspiration.
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Before and After image script
Lets you view an "after" version of any image as an overlay of the original one in dramatic fashion.
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CSS3 oval switch checkboxes
Slick looking, oval shaped checkbox replacement switches using CSS3.
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2 Yays
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Blur Image effect
This Blur Image script lets you easily blur an image by varying intensities using HTML5 canvas.
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Grayscale Image Gallery
Using CSS3 filters, this image gallery creates thumbnails that are initially rendered in grayscale until the image is enlarged.